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Protect yourself against Internet fraud!

The vast majority of listings are posted by honest people and trust. So you can do excellent business. Despite this, it is important to follow a few common sense rules following to prevent any attempt to scam.

Our advices

  • Doing business with people you can meet in person.
  • Never send money in advance by Banking apps or any other anonymous payment systems.
  • Never send money or products abroad.
  • Do not accept checks from unknown/suspicious people especial in holidays .
  • Ask about the person you're dealing with another confirming source name, address and telephone number.
  • Keep copies of all correspondence (emails, listings, letters, etc.) and details of the person.
  • If a deal seems too good to be true, there is every chance that this is the case. Refrain.

Recognize attempted scam

  • The majority of scams have one or more of these characteristics:
    • The person refuses to meet you in person.
    • Payments  is made in advance 
    • The texts seem to be copied and pasted.
    • The deal seems to be too good to be true.